Thursday, November 13, 2008

SMU Arts Festival 2009 (Booklet & Calendar)

Here's some very recent freelance work I did for SMU, was a pretty rushed job, we had to go to print in a week! Could have definitely been better though.

On the cover: the matchsticks represent the element of time, as well as the numbers. The client wanted a time element worked into their materials, which was key to RE: PRESENT.

The rest of SMU's Arts Festival RE: PRESENT 2009 booklet is available for .pdf download here.

Also here's the Arts Fest Events Calendar:

I'm working on the invitation cards now, so watch out for those.


Dx said...

Hi there,

Nice work for the booklet! I've already kept a copy of it and good job for coming up with this in such a short time!

Are you invited to the event too?

[V] said...


Thanks very much for stopping by and for the compliment on the booklet!

Are you participating in the SMU Arts Fest? No... not invited hahaha